Thursday, September 11, 2014

ann + jason

The knapp kids are dropping like flies in 2014. Here is a session with my dear brother and his lovely ann, who happens to be one of my best friends. Sometimes things just work out, even if it does take twelve years. It still seems surreal that she gets to be my sister. 

We took these photos on a glorious september night, with the wildflowers and prairie grasses and rural landscape all aglow with the last light of summer. Nights like these remind me of all the things I love about where I grew up, the simple life and beauty, and most of all the people who love each other fiercely.

love you both. so grateful for who you are in my life 
and so glad to call you family. 


  1. all of these photos are just wonderful!!!!

  2. These pictures make me indescribably happy! Such a beautiful love story God has grown and so awesome to have such a sweet friend for a sister :)

  3. These are beautiful pictures Jackie!

    So excited that God brought these two together...they are adorable!


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