Tuesday, September 17, 2013

paper + sky meets africa

Paper + sky photography has launched its African branch with a few photo shoots in the jungle and village. It has been a blast to shoot in this lush green environment. 

Here is the jungle princess shoot. I've been living with this family for a few weeks. Emma turned four last week, so we took a few pictures to celebrate. She is the ultimate princess and is retaining her femininity with a great flair, despite three older brothers and this jungle setting. 

 Proof once again that you can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of the girl. 
One of the teachers wanted family pictures, so we got to wander around the village and take pictures of these adorable children. 

 Here is Esther, another teacher, dolled up in her fun yellow dress in the backyard. I'm seeing some serious potential for Uganda's Next Top Model.  


  1. Will you bring me one of those cute kiddos????? I bet they are melting your heart!!
    Auntie M

  2. Love the pics! You are so good at capturing the moment. Precious and fun.
    And the dimples galore....too cute!
    Love and hugs,

  3. Love the pics! You are so good at capturing the moment. Precious and fun.
    And the dimples galore....too cute!
    Love and hugs,


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